

The robot revolution is a long-standing staple of science fiction, from Metropolis to The Terminator, and the spread of advanced machines in recent years has done little to contradict its seeming inevitably.
But Befro master and servant switch roles, the robot of the worlds need to conquer a simple task:efficiently recognizing a cat.
In 2014,it took some 16,000 computers running on a "neutral network" set up by Google to accomplish this feat something a toddler does by reflex.
The algorithms of determining "catness" are rapidly improving, but this distinction between thinking and calculating is a great divide that robotics engineers will need to branch before robots can truly replace humans.
A kid knows that all things with four legs,such as chairs, aren't cats.
IBM's Watson supercomputer triumphed on the quiz show Jeopardy in 2011, but it also thought Torconto was in the United States.

Robots Are increasingly moving into more corners of the world. One study Estimated That as many as 45% of jobs in United States would be eligible for robot replacement over the next 20 years.
Law Officers have already reduce the demand for paralegals because computer programs can now process legal briefs and synthesize large documents.
People have worried about being replaced by machines since the start of industrial Age .Although this has proved to be legitimate concern in many jobs, machines can also be a complement to human endeavor rather than a substitute for it.Machines and computers in general have amplified human strength through mechanized tools, augmented human intelligence Via information processing, and extended human reach via telecommunications and remote sensing.
But these robots couldn't operate autonomously. They needed instruction - a person to think up the processes and rules for each task and audit the outcome-just to be sure that the shipment form has a book about cats in the box , not one about woodworking or parakeets.
The online retailers is among the major adopters of robotics, and a major advocate for collaboration between human and machines.
At Amazon's massive product warehouse, fleets of heavy-lifting robots bring shelves of products to a packaging employee, so the employee doesn't have to spend time locating the correct product. The company expected to have 10,000 robots in use by the end of 2014.

Hospitals rely on robots for tasks that range from hauling laundry to assisting with delicate surgeries. The World'S first completely robotic surgery took place in 2010 at McGill University Health Center In Montreal, Canada, when a pair of robots called DaVinci (the surgeon) and the Mcsleepy (an anesthesia bot ) removed a patient's Patient's prostate .
A surgical team controlled DaVinci's arms via video control while observers in the room monitored the operation closely. Robotics allowed for greater steadiness and precision in handing the instructions than a human could achieve, but the operator still neede to decide where and when to cut or stirch-at least for now FAST FACT :--Researchers in Australia are building a microscopic robot that would move around in a manner similar to coli bacteria. The tiny machine could take a biopsy from inside the human body


Thousands of military and police robots have been deployed successfully to do work that is too dangerous for humans.Robots can clear away land mines in war zones, inspect suspicious packages on the city streets, and provide 3-D imaging of unstable buildings.
Real-life robots can scout potentially hostile environments and keep soldiers safe, like the packbot made by irobots , which to identify explosives, chemical weapons, and radioactive materials.
In March 2011 a tsunami devastated parts of japan and severly damaged reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.The Radiation release resulted in the evacuation 3,00,000 people, and the development of cleanup plan that will span decades.In that unsafe environment, humans turned to robots for damage analysis, radiation monitoring, and debris removal.
FAST FACT :--One of the first robots was built in the 15th century Archytas Of Tarentum.It was mechanical bird that could be powered by either steam or compressed air <

Robotics technologies consist of all processes necessary to design, build and maintain robots and other intelligent machines
. Robots are sophisticated, intelligent systems used to assist pilots and maneuver spacecraft without direct human intervention.

 What are robotics used for?

Robotics, design, construction, and use of machines (robots) to perform tasks done traditionally by human beings

Robotsare widely used in such industries as automobile manufacture to perform simple repetitive tasks, and in industries where work must be performed in environments hazardous to humans.

Why robotics is important in future?
Robotics is a fun way to bring STEM to life, and that's important because STEM is the key to a successful future for students with the interest and motivation to pursue careers in this field. ...
Clearly, there's a need to get students involved in STEM, and the earlier, the better.


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