Nuclear Fusion



In nuclear fusion, We get energy when two atoms join together to form one.
In a fusion reactor, hydrogen come together to form helium atoms, neutrons and vast amounts of energy.
It's the same type of reaction that powers hydrogen bombs and the sun. Beryllium-6 decays into two helium-4 atoms.

Definition Of Nuclear Fusion Is-
It is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles (neutrons or protons).
The difference in mass between the reactants and products is manifested as either the release or absorption of energy.

Steps Of Nuclear Fusion Are-

1.Two protons within the Sun fuse. Most of the time the pair breaks apart again, but sometimes one of the protons transforms into a neutron via the weak nuclear force. ...
2.A third proton collides with the formed deuterium.

3.Two helium-3 nuclei collide, creating a helium-4 nucleus plus two extra neutrons.


Some Commonly Ask Questions And There Answers Are :-

Q1.Can fusion cause nuclear accident?
Ans:-No, Because Fusion Energy Production Is not Based On A Chain Reaction, As is fission.

Q2. Which country produces the most nuclear energy By Nuclear Fission ?
Ans:-The United States
The United States is the largest producer of nuclear power, while France has the largest share of electricity generated by nuclear power.

Q3. Why Nuclear fusion is difficult?
Ans:-On Earth it is very difficult to start nuclear fusion reactions that release more energy than is needed to start the reaction. The reason is that Fusion reactions only happen at high temperature(2 million° C), like in the Sun, because both nuclei have a positive charge, and positive repels positive.

Q4. What are the dangers of nuclear fusion?
Ans:-fusion reactors have serious problems that also afflict today's fission reactore, including neutronradiation damage and radioactive waste, potential tritium release, the burden on coolant resources, outsize operating costs, and increased risks of nuclear weapons proliferation.

Q5. Do all stars use nuclear fusion?
Ans:-All stars, from red dwarfs through the Sun to the most massive supergiants, achieve nuclear fusion in their cores by rising to temperatures of 4,000,000 K or higher. Over large amounts of time, hydrogen fuel gets burned through a series of reactions, producing, in the end, large amounts of helium-4.

Q6. How clean is nuclear fusion?
Ans:-Proponents of nuclear fusion see it is as a clean and virtually limitless energy source that could power the future.

Q7. What happens if a fusion reactor fails?
Ans:-Corrosion in the heat exchange system, or a breach inthe reactor vacuum ducts could result in the release of radioactive tritium into the atmosphere or local water resources. Tritiumexchanges with hydrogen to produce tritiated water, which is biologically hazardous.

Q8. Is Fusion more powerful than fission?
Ans:-As we know that what exactly a nuclear fusion and fission is.Nuclear fusion is the reaction that occurs in our sun and thus, fusion reaction is many times greater than fission.

Q9. Does fusion ever work?
Ans:- While work is underway to reach a technology that can produce safe, predictable, positive net energy from fusion, its realisation would only get fusion so far. In order for nuclear fusion technology to become commercially viable, it must be economical.

Q10. How small can nuclear reactors be?
Ans:-The International Atomic EnergyAgency (IAEA) defines 'small' as under 300 MWe, and up to about 700 MWe as 'medium' – including many operational units from the 20th century. Together they have been referred to by the IAEA as small and medium reactors(SMRs).

→By the end of the century, demand for energy will have tripled under the combined pressure of population growth, increased urbanization and expanding access to electricity in developing countries.
→ The fossil fuels that shaped 19th and 20th century civilization can only be relied on at the cost of greenhouse gases and pollution.
→A new large-scale, sustainable and carbon-free form of energy is urgently needed.

★The following advantages make fusion worth pursuing★

●Abundant energy: Fusing atoms together in a controlled way releases nearly four million times more energy than a chemical reaction such as the burning of coal, oil or gas and four times as much as nuclear fission reactions (at equal mass).

→ Fusion has the potential to provide the kind of baseload energy needed to provide electricity to our cities and our industries.

Sustainability: Fusion fuels are widely available and nearly inexhaustible.

→Deuterium can be distilled from all forms of water, while tritium will be produced during the fusion reaction as fusion neutrons interact with lithium. (Terrestrial reserves of lithium would permit the operation of fusion power plants for more than 1,000 years, while sea-based reserves of lithium would fulfil needs for millions of years.).Thus we can light a house by using just one glass of water

No CO₂: Fusion doesn't emit harmful toxins like carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Its major by-product is helium: an inert, non-toxic gas.

No long-lived radioactive waste: -Nuclear fusion reactors produce no high activity, long-lived nuclear waste. The activation of components in a fusion reactor is low enough for the materials to be recycled or reused within 100 years.

Limited risk of proliferation: Fusion doesn't employ fissile materials like uranium and plutonium. (Radioactive tritium is neither a fissile nor a fissionable material.) There are no enriched materials in a fusion reactor like ITER that could be exploited to make nuclear weapons.

No risk of meltdown: A Fukushima-type nuclear accident is not possible in a tokamak fusion device.
It is difficult enough to reach and maintain the precise conditions necessary for fusion—if any disturbance occurs, the plasma cools within seconds and the reaction stops.
The quantity of fuel present in the vessel at any one time is enough for a few seconds only and there is no risk of a chain reaction.Cost: 
The power output of the kind of fusion reactor that is envisaged for the second half of this century will be similar to that of a fission reactor, (i.e., between 1 and 1.7 gigawatts).
The average cost per kilowatt of electricity is also expected to be similar ... slightly more expensive at the beginning, when the technology is new, and less expensive as economies of scale bring the costs down.
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